* The WebHook module
* @copyright CHECKROOM NV 2015
* @module webhook
'document'], /** @lends Document */ function ($, common, api, Document) {
// Some constant values
var DEFAULTS = {
id: "",
name: "",
address: "",
topic: "",
hookFields: "*, location.*, items.*, customer.*,by.name,by.email", // avoid clash with Document.fields
format: "",
created: null,
modified: null,
enabled: true,
log10: [],
fails: 0,
minutes: 0
// Allow overriding the ctor during inheritance
// http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4152931/javascript-inheritance-call-super-constructor-or-use-prototype-chain
var tmp = function(){};
tmp.prototype = Document.prototype;
* WebHook describes a webhook which can trigger on certain events (signals)
* @name WebHook
* @class
* @property {string} name the name
* @property {string} address the url which will be called
* @property {string} topic the topic name ('item.changelocation', 'item.changegeo', 'item.expire', ...)
* @property {string} hookFields the fields which should be fetched from the db (default: `*, location.*, items.*, customer.*)
* @property {string} format the output format (only `json` is supported)
* @property {Moment} created the creation date of the webhook
* @property {Moment} modified the modified date of the webhook
* @property {boolean} enabled whether or not the webhook is enabled
* @property {array} log10 the last 10 logs of the webhook
* @property {int} fails the number of consequtive fails
* @property {int} minutes only for due and overdue webhooks, non-negative
* @constructor
* @extends Document
var WebHook = function(opt) {
var spec = $.extend({}, opt);
Document.call(this, spec);
this.name = spec.name || DEFAULTS.name;
this.address = spec.address || DEFAULTS.address;
this.topic = spec.topic || DEFAULTS.topic;
this.hookFields = spec.hookFields || DEFAULTS.hookFields;
this.created = spec.created || DEFAULTS.created;
this.modified = spec.modified || DEFAULTS.modified;
this.enabled = (spec.enabled!=null) ? (spec.enabled==true) : DEFAULTS.enabled;
this.log10 = spec.log10 || DEFAULTS.log10.slice();
this.fails = spec.fails || DEFAULTS.fails;
this.minutes = spec.minutes || DEFAULTS.minutes;
WebHook.prototype = new tmp();
WebHook.prototype.constructor = WebHook;
// Specific validators
* Checks if name is valid
* @name WebHook#isValidName
* @method
* @return {Boolean}
WebHook.prototype.isValidName = function() {
this.name = $.trim(this.name);
return (this.name.length>=3);
* Checks if address is valid
* @name WebHook#isValidAddress
* @method
* @return {Boolean}
WebHook.prototype.isValidAddress = function() {
this.address = $.trim(this.address);
return common.isValidURL(this.address);
// Document overrides
* Checks if the webhook has any validation errors
* @name WebHook#isValid
* @method
* @returns {boolean}
* @override
WebHook.prototype.isValid = function() {
return this.isValidName() &&
this.isValidAddress() &&
this.topic; // TODO: We need a better check here
WebHook.prototype._getDefaults = function() {
return DEFAULTS;
* Checks if the object is empty, it never is
* @name WebHook#isEmpty
* @method
* @returns {boolean}
* @override
WebHook.prototype.isEmpty = function() {
return (
(Document.prototype.isEmpty.call(this)) &&
(this.name==DEFAULTS.name) &&
(this.address==DEFAULTS.address) &&
* Checks if the webhook is dirty and needs saving
* @returns {boolean}
* @override
WebHook.prototype.isDirty = function() {
var isDirty = Document.prototype.isDirty.call(this);
if( (!isDirty) &&
(this.raw)) {
isDirty = (
(this.enabled!=this.raw.enabled) ||
return isDirty;
* Checks via the api if we can delete the WebHook document
* @name WebHook#canDelete
* @method
* @returns {promise}
* @override
WebHook.prototype.canDelete = function() {
// An WebHook can always be deleted
return $.Deferred().resolve(true);
// toJson, fromJson
// ----
* _toJson, makes a dict of params to use during create / update
* @param options
* @returns {{}}
* @private
WebHook.prototype._toJson = function(options) {
var data = Document.prototype._toJson.call(this, options);
data.name = this.name;
data.address = this.address;
data.topic = this.topic;
data.fields = this.hookFields;
data.enabled = this.enabled;
data.minutes = this.minutes;
// don't write out fields for:
// - created_at
// - log10, log
// - nr_consecutive_fails
return data;
* _fromJson: read some basic information
* @method
* @param {object} data the json response
* @param {object} options dict
* @returns {Promise}
* @private
WebHook.prototype._fromJson = function(data, options) {
var that = this;
return Document.prototype._fromJson.call(this, data, options)
.then(function() {
that.name = data.name || DEFAULTS.name;
that.address = data.address || DEFAULTS.address;
that.topic = data.topic || DEFAULTS.topic;
that.hookFields = data.fields || DEFAULTS.hookFields; // !
that.created = data.created_at || DEFAULTS.created; // !
that.modified = data.modified || DEFAULTS.modified;
that.enabled = (data.enabled!=null) ? (data.enabled==true) : DEFAULTS.enabled;
that.log10 = data.log10 || DEFAULTS.log10.slice();
that.fails = data.nr_consecutive_fails || DEFAULTS.fails;
that.minutes = data.minutes || DEFAULTS.minutes;
return data;
return WebHook;