define([], function () {
* PermissionHandler
* @name PermissionHandler
* @class PermissionHandler
* @param user - a user dict
* @param profile - a group profile dict
* @param limits - a group limits dict
* @constructor
var PermissionHandler = function (user, profile, limits) {
this.user = user;
this.profile = profile;
this.limits = limits;
// Helper booleans that mix a bunch of role stuff and profile / limits stuff
this._isOwner = (user.isOwner);
this._isRootOrAdmin = (user.role == "root") || (user.role == "admin");
this._isRootOrAdminOrUser = (user.role == "root") || (user.role == "admin") || (user.role == "user");
this._isSelfService = (user.role == "selfservice");
this._useWebhooks = (limits.allowWebhooks) && (profile.useWebhooks);
this._useOrders = (limits.allowOrders) && (profile.useOrders);
this._useReservations = (limits.allowReservations) && (profile.useReservations);
this._usePdf = (limits.allowGeneratePdf);
this._useKits = (limits.allowKits) && (profile.useKits);
this._useCustody = (limits.allowCustody) && (profile.useCustody);
this._useGeo = (profile.useGeo);
this._useSelfService = (limits.allowSelfService) && (profile.useSelfService);
this._useCheckinLocation = (this._useOrders) && (profile.orderCheckinLocation);
this._usePublicSelfService = (limits.allowSelfService) && (profile.usePublicSelfService);
this._useOrderTransfers = (limits.allowOrderTransfers) && (profile.useOrderTransfers);
this._useSendMessage = (limits.allowSendMessage) && (profile.useSendMessage);
this._useUserSync = (limits.allowUserSync) && (profile.useUserSync);
this._useFlags = (profile.useFlags);
this._useGeo = (profile.useGeo);
this._useRestrictLocations = (limits.allowRestrictLocations) && (profile.useRestrictLocations);
this._useReporting = (limits.allowReporting) && (profile.useReporting);
this._useDepreciations = (limits.allowDepreciations) && (profile.useDepreciations);
this._useNotifications = (limits.allowNotifications) && (profile.useNotifications);
this._canSetFlag = false;
this._canClearFlag = false;
switch(user.role) {
case "selfservice":
this._canSetFlag = profile.selfServiceCanSetFlag;
this._canClearFlag = profile.selfServiceCanClearFlag;
this._canSetLabel = profile.selfServiceCanSetLabel;
this._canClearLabel = profile.selfServiceCanClearLabel;
this._canReadOrders = this._useOrders && profile.selfServiceCanSeeOwnOrders;
this._canCreateOrders = this._useOrders && profile.selfServiceCanOrder;
case "user":
this._canSetFlag = profile.userCanSetFlag;
this._canClearFlag = profile.userCanClearFlag;
this._canSetLabel = profile.userCanSetLabel;
this._canClearLabel = profile.userCanClearLabel;
this._canReadOrders = this._useOrders;
this._canCreateOrders = this._useOrders;
this._canSetFlag = true;
this._canClearFlag = true;
this._canSetLabel = true;
this._canClearLabel = true;
this._canReadOrders = this._useOrders;
this._canCreateOrders = this._useOrders;
if (this._isSelfService) {
// Override some permissions for selfservice users
this._useReservations = this._useReservations && this._useSelfService && profile.selfServiceCanReserve;
this._useCustody = this._useCustody && this._useSelfService && profile.selfServiceCanCustody;
PermissionHandler.prototype.hasAnyAdminPermission = function() {
return this.hasPermission("create", "locations") ||
this.hasPermission("create", "categories") ||
this.hasPermission("create", "webhooks") ||
this.hasPermission("create", "users") ||
this.hasPermission("create", "templates") ||
this.hasPermission("create", "syncs");
PermissionHandler.prototype.hasDashboardPermission = function(action, data, location) {
// Selfservice cannot see dashboard if it doesn't has reservation or checkout permissions
return this.hasReservationPermission("read") || this.hasCheckoutPermission("read");
return true;
PermissionHandler.prototype.hasCalendarPermission = function(action, data, location) {
// Calendar permission depends on reservation or checkout permission
return this.hasReservationPermission("read") || this.hasCheckoutPermission("read");
PermissionHandler.prototype.hasItemPermission = function(action, data, location) {
return this.hasPermission(action || "read", "items", data, location);
PermissionHandler.prototype.hasItemCustodyPermission = function() {
return this._useCustody;
PermissionHandler.prototype.hasItemFlagPermission = function() {
return this._useFlags;
PermissionHandler.prototype.hasItemGeoPermission = function() {
return this._useGeo;
PermissionHandler.prototype.hasItemDepreciationPermission = function() {
return this._isRootOrAdmin && this._useDepreciations;
PermissionHandler.prototype.hasUserSyncPermission = function(){
return this.hasAccountUserSyncPermission("read");
PermissionHandler.prototype.hasSelfservicePermission = function(){
return this._useSelfService;
PermissionHandler.prototype.hasReportingPermission = function() {
return this._isRootOrAdmin && this._useReporting;
PermissionHandler.prototype.hasLabelPermission = function() {
return this._canSetLabel && this._canClearLabel;
PermissionHandler.prototype.hasKitPermission = function(action, data, location) {
return this.hasPermission(action || "read", "kits", data, location);
PermissionHandler.prototype.hasContactPermission = function(action, data, location) {
return this.hasPermission(action || "read", "contacts", data, location);
PermissionHandler.prototype.hasContactReadOtherPermission = function(action, data, location) {
return (!this._isSelfService);
PermissionHandler.prototype.hasCheckoutPermission = function(action, data, location) {
return this.hasPermission(action || "read", "orders", data, location);
PermissionHandler.prototype.hasReservationPermission = function(action, data, location) {
return this.hasPermission(action || "read", "reservations", data, location);
PermissionHandler.prototype.hasCategoriesPermission = function(action, data, location) {
return this.hasPermission(action, "categories", data, location);
PermissionHandler.prototype.hasNotificationPermission = function(action, data, location){
return this.hasPermission(action, "notifications", data, location);
PermissionHandler.prototype.hasUserPermission = function(action, data, location) {
return this.hasPermission(action, "users", data, location);
PermissionHandler.prototype.hasLocationPermission = function(action, data, location) {
return this.hasPermission(action, "locations", data, location);
PermissionHandler.prototype.hasRestrictLocationPermission = function(){
return this._useRestrictLocations;
PermissionHandler.prototype.hasWebhookPermission = function(action, data, location) {
return this.hasPermission(action, "webhooks", data, location);
PermissionHandler.prototype.hasAccountPermission = function(action, data, location) {
return this.hasPermission(action, "account", data, location);
PermissionHandler.prototype.hasAccountInvoicesPermission = function(action, data, location) {
return this.hasPermission(action, "invoices", data, location);
PermissionHandler.prototype.hasAccountSubscriptionPermission = function(action, data, location) {
return this.hasPermission(action, "subscription", data, location);
PermissionHandler.prototype.hasAccountBillingPermission = function(action, data, location) {
return this.hasPermission(action, "billing", data, location);
PermissionHandler.prototype.hasAccountTemplatePermission = function(action, data, location) {
return this.hasPermission(action, "templates", data, location);
PermissionHandler.prototype.hasAccountUserSyncPermission = function(action, data, location) {
return this.hasPermission(action, "syncs", data, location);
PermissionHandler.prototype.hasAssetTagsPermission = function(action, data, location) {
//return this.hasPermission(action, "asset-tags", data, location);
return this.hasAnyAdminPermission();
PermissionHandler.prototype.hasPermission = function(action, collection, data, location) {
if( (this._isSelfService) &&
(!this._useSelfService)) {
return false;
switch (collection) {
return false;
case "items":
switch (action) {
return false;
case "read":
return true;
case "create":
case "duplicate":
case "update":
case "delete":
case "expire":
case "undoExpire":
case "setFields":
case "setField":
case "clearField":
case "addAttachment":
case "addComment":
case "updateComment":
case "removeComment":
case "import":
case "export":
case "updateGeo":
case "changeLocation":
case "changeCategory":
return this._isRootOrAdmin;
// Permissings for asset labels
case "printLabel":
return this._isRootOrAdmin;
// Permissions for flags
case "setFlag":
return this._useFlags && this._canSetFlag;
case "clearFlag":
return this._useFlags && this._canClearFlag;
// Modules
case "reserve":
return this._useReservations;
case "checkout":
return this._canCreateOrders;
case "takeCustody":
case "releaseCustody":
return this._useCustody;
case "transferCustody":
return this._useCustody && this._isRootOrAdmin;
case "kits":
switch (action) {
return false;
case "read":
return this._useKits;
case "create":
case "duplicate":
case "update":
case "delete":
case "setFields":
case "setField":
case "clearField":
case "addAttachment":
case "addComment":
case "updateComment":
case "removeComment":
case "addItems":
case "removeItems":
case "moveItem":
case "export":
return this._useKits && this._isRootOrAdmin;
// Permissings for asset labels
case "printLabel":
return this._isRootOrAdmin;
// Permissions for flags
case "setFlag":
return this._useFlags && this._canSetFlag;
case "clearFlag":
return this._useFlags && this._canClearFlag;
// Other
case "takeApart":
return this.profile.canTakeApartKits;
// Modules
// Modules
case "reserve":
return this._useReservations;
case "checkout":
return this._canCreateOrders;
case "takeCustody":
case "releaseCustody":
return this._useCustody;
case "transferCustody":
case "giveCustody":
return this._useCustody && this._isRootOrAdmin;
case "orders":
case "checkouts":
switch (action) {
return false;
// TODO: Checkin at location
// TODO: Add items to open check-out
case "create":
case "update":
case "delete":
return this._canCreateOrders;
case "read":
return this._canReadOrders;
// Order specific actions
case "setCustomer":
case "clearCustomer":
case "setLocation":
case "clearLocation":
case "addItems":
case "removeItems":
case "swapItems":
case "undoCheckout":
case "checkout":
case "checkin":
case "setFields":
case "setField":
case "clearField":
return this._canCreateOrders;
// Generic actions
case "addAttachment":
case "addComment":
case "updateComment":
case "removeComment":
case "export":
return this._useOrders;
case "archive":
case "undoArchive":
return this._useOrders && this._isRootOrAdmin;
// Permissions for flags
case "setFlag":
return this._useFlags && this._canSetFlag;
case "clearFlag":
return this._useFlags && this._canClearFlag;
// Other
case "generateDocument":
return this._usePdf && this._isRootOrAdminOrUser;
case "checkinAt":
return this._canCreateOrders && this._useCheckinLocation;
case "forceCheckListCheckin":
return this.profile.forceCheckListCheckin;
case "forceConflictResolving":
return false; // this.profile.forceConflictResolving;
case "reservations":
switch (action) {
return false;
// TODO: Add items to open reservation
case "create":
case "read":
case "update":
case "delete":
// Reservation specific actions
case "setFromToDate":
case "setCustomer":
case "clearCustomer":
case "setLocation":
case "clearLocation":
case "addItems":
case "removeItems":
case "swapItems":
case "reserve":
case "undoReserve":
case "cancel":
case "undoCancel":
case "switchToOrder":
case "reserveAgain":
case "reserveRepeat":
// Generic actions
case "setFields":
case "setField":
case "clearField":
case "addAttachment":
case "addComment":
case "updateComment":
case "removeComment":
case "export":
return this._useReservations;
case "makeOrder":
return this._canCreateOrders;
case "archive":
case "undoArchive":
return this._useReservations && this._isRootOrAdmin;
// Permissions for flags
case "setFlag":
return this._useFlags && this._canSetFlag;
case "clearFlag":
return this._useFlags && this._canClearFlag;
// Other
case "generateDocument":
return this._usePdf && this._isRootOrAdminOrUser;
case "customers":
case "contacts":
switch (action) {
return false;
case "read":
case "create":
case "update":
case "delete":
case "archive":
case "undoArchive":
case "setFields":
case "setField":
case "clearField":
case "addAttachment":
case "addComment":
case "updateComment":
case "removeComment":
case "import":
case "export":
return this._isRootOrAdminOrUser;
// Permissions for flags
case "setFlag":
return this._useFlags && this._canSetFlag;
case "clearFlag":
return this._useFlags && this._canClearFlag;
// Other
case "printLabel":
return this._isRootOrAdmin;
case "generateDocument":
return this._usePdf && this._isRootOrAdminOrUser;
case "users":
switch (action) {
return false;
case "read":
return true;
case "create":
case "update":
case "delete":
case "linkNewCustomer":
case "linkCustomer":
case "unLinkCustomer":
case "inviteUser":
case "archive":
case "undoArchive":
case "activate":
case "deactivate":
return this._isRootOrAdmin;
case "changeAccountOwner":
return this._isOwner;
case "categories":
case "locations":
switch (action) {
return false;
case "read":
return true;
case "create":
case "update":
case "delete":
case "archive":
return this._isRootOrAdmin;
case "syncs":
switch (action) {
return false;
case "read":
case "create":
case "update":
case "delete":
case "clone":
case "testConnection":
case "syncUsers":
return this._useUserSync && this._isRootOrAdmin;
case "notifications":
switch (action) {
return false;
case "read":
case "create":
case "update":
case "delete":
return this._useNotifications && this._isRootOrAdmin;
case "webhooks":
switch (action) {
return false;
case "read":
case "create":
case "update":
case "delete":
return this._useWebhooks && this._isRootOrAdmin;
case "account":
switch (action) {
return this._isRootOrAdmin;
case "reset":
case "cancelPlan":
case "changePlan":
return this._isOwner;
case "subscription":
case "invoices":
case "billing":
case "templates":
switch (action) {
return false;
case "read":
case "create":
case "update":
case "delete":
case "archive":
case "undoArchive":
case "activate":
case "deactivate":
case "clone":
return this._isRootOrAdmin;
case "asset-tags":
switch (action) {
return this._isRootOrAdmin;
return PermissionHandler;