* The Kit module
* Kit class inherits from Base so it supports KeyValues (Attachment, Comment)
* @module kit
* @copyright CHECKROOM NV 2015
'common'], /** @lends Kit */ function ($, Base, common) {
var DEFAULTS = {
name: "",
items: [],
status: "unknown",
cover: ""
// Allow overriding the ctor during inheritance
// http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4152931/javascript-inheritance-call-super-constructor-or-use-prototype-chain
var tmp = function() {};
tmp.prototype = Base.prototype;
* Kit class
* @name Kit
* @class
* @constructor
* @extends Base
var Kit = function(opt) {
var spec = $.extend({
_fields: ['*'],
crtype: 'cheqroom.types.kit'
}, opt);
Base.call(this, spec);
this.name = spec.name || DEFAULTS.name;
this.items = spec.items || DEFAULTS.items.slice();
this.codes = [];
this.conflicts = [];
this.status = spec.status || DEFAULTS.status;
this.cover = spec.cover || DEFAULTS.cover;
Kit.prototype = new tmp();
Kit.prototype.constructor = Kit;
// Specific validators
* Checks if name is valid
* @name Kit#isValidName
* @method
* @return {Boolean}
Kit.prototype.isValidName = function() {
this.name = $.trim(this.name);
return (this.name.length>=3);
* Check if name is valid and isn't already used
* @name Kit#isValidNameAsync
* @method
* @return {promise}
Kit.prototype.isNameAvailableAsync = function(){
// When existing kit is edited, we don't want
// to check its current name
if(this.id != null && this.raw != null && this.name == this.raw.name){
return $.Deferred().resolve(true);
// If a previous name available check is pending, abort it
if(this._dfdNameAvailable){ this._dfdNameAvailable.abort(); }
this._dfdNameAvailable = this.ds.search({name: $.trim(this.name) }, "_id");
return this._dfdNameAvailable.then(function(resp) {
return resp.count == 0;
}, function(error) {
return false;
// Base overrides
* Checks if the Kit has any validation errors
* @name Kit#isValid
* @method
* @returns {boolean}
* @override
Kit.prototype.isValid = function() {
return this.isValidName();
* Checks if the kit is empty
* @name Kit#isEmpty
* @returns {boolean}
Kit.prototype.isEmpty = function() {
// Checks for: name
return (
(Base.prototype.isEmpty.call(this)) &&
* Checks if the Kits is dirty and needs saving
* @name Kit#isDirty
* @returns {boolean}
* @override
Kit.prototype.isDirty = function() {
var isDirty = Base.prototype.isDirty.call(this);
if( (!isDirty) &&
(this.raw)) {
isDirty = this._isDirtyStringProperty("name");
return isDirty;
// Business logic
// KIT_STATUS = ( 'available', 'checkedout', 'await_checkout', 'in_transit', 'maintenance', 'repair', 'inspection', 'expired', 'in_custody', 'empty', 'incomplete')
* Checks if a Kit can be checked out (based on status)
* @name Kit#canCheckout
* @method
* @returns {boolean}
Kit.prototype.canCheckout = function() {
return common.kitCanCheckout(this);
* Checks if a Kit can be reserved (based on status)
* @name Kit#canReserve
* @method
* @returns {boolean}
Kit.prototype.canReserve = function() {
return common.kitCanReserve(this);
* addItems; adds a bunch of Items to the transaction using a list of item ids
* @name Kit#addItems
* @method
* @param items
* @param skipRead
* @returns {promise}
Kit.prototype.addItems = function(items, skipRead) {
if (!this.existsInDb()) {
return $.Deferred().reject(new Error("Cannot addItems from document without id"));
return this._doApiCall({
method: 'addItems',
params: {items: items},
skipRead: skipRead
* removeItems; removes a bunch of Items from the transaction using a list of item ids
* @name Kit#removeItems
* @method
* @param items (can be null)
* @param skipRead
* @returns {promise}
Kit.prototype.removeItems = function(items, skipRead) {
if (!this.existsInDb()) {
return $.Deferred().reject(new Error("Cannot removeItems from document without id"));
return this._doApiCall({
method: 'removeItems',
params: {items: items},
skipRead: skipRead
* moveItem; moves an Item in a kit to another position
* @name Kit#moveItem
* @method
* @param item
* @param toPos
* @param skipRead
* @returns {promise}
Kit.prototype.moveItem = function(item, toPos, skipRead) {
if (!this.existsInDb()) {
return $.Deferred().reject(new Error("Cannot moveItem from document without id"));
return this._doApiCall({
method: 'moveItem',
params: {item: item, toPos: toPos},
skipRead: skipRead
* Adds a QR code to the kit
* @name Kit#addCode
* @param code
* @param skipRead
* @returns {promise}
Kit.prototype.addCode = function(code, skipRead) {
return this._doApiCall({method: 'addCodes', params: {codes: [code]}, skipRead: skipRead});
* Removes a QR code from the kit
* @name Kit#removeCode
* @param code
* @param skipRead
* @returns {promise}
Kit.prototype.removeCode = function(code, skipRead) {
return this._doApiCall({method: 'removeCodes', params: {codes: [code]}, skipRead: skipRead});
* Duplicates an item a number of times
* @name Kit#duplicate
* @param {int} times
* @return {promise}
Kit.prototype.duplicate = function(times, location, skipRead){
return this._doApiCall({method: 'duplicate', params: {times: times, location: location}, skipRead: skipRead || true });
* Checks if custody can be taken for a kit (based on status)
* @name Kit#canTakeCustody
* @returns {boolean}
Kit.prototype.canTakeCustody = function() {
return common.kitCanTakeCustody(this);
* Checks if custody can be released for a kit (based on status)
* @name Kit#canReleaseCustody
* @returns {boolean}
Kit.prototype.canReleaseCustody = function() {
return common.kitCanReleaseCustody(this);
* Checks if custody can be transferred for a kit (based on status)
* @name Kit#canTransferCustody
* @returns {boolean}
Kit.prototype.canTransferCustody = function() {
return common.kitCanTransferCustody(this);
* Takes custody of a kit (and all items in it)
* Puts it in the *in_custody* status
* @name Kit#takeCustody
* @param customerId (when null, we'll take the customer of the user making the API call)
* @param skipRead
* @returns {promise}
Kit.prototype.takeCustody = function(customerId, skipRead) {
return this._doApiCall({method: 'takeCustody', params: {customer: customerId}, skipRead: skipRead});
* Releases custody of a kit (and all items in it) at a certain location
* Puts it in the *available* status again
* @name Kit#releaseCustody
* @param locationId
* @param skipRead
* @returns {promise}
Kit.prototype.releaseCustody = function(locationId, skipRead) {
return this._doApiCall({method: 'releaseCustody', params: {location: locationId}, skipRead: skipRead});
* Transfers custody of a kit (and all items in it)
* Keeps it in the *in_custody* status
* @name Kit#transferCustody
* @param customerId (when null, we'll take the customer of the user making the API call)
* @param skipRead
* @returns {promise}
Kit.prototype.transferCustody = function(customerId, skipRead) {
return this._doApiCall({method: 'transferCustody', params: {customer: customerId}, skipRead: skipRead});
// Implementation stuff
Kit.prototype._getDefaults = function() {
return DEFAULTS;
Kit.prototype._toJson = function(options) {
var data = Base.prototype._toJson.call(this, options);
data.name = this.name || DEFAULTS.name;
//data.items --> not via update
return data;
Kit.prototype._fromJson = function(data, options) {
var that = this;
return Base.prototype._fromJson.call(this, data, options)
.then(function(data) {
that.name = data.name || DEFAULTS.name;
that.items = data.items || DEFAULTS.items.slice();
that.codes = data.codes || [];
that.status = data.status || DEFAULTS.status;
that.cover = data.cover || DEFAULTS.cover;
$.publish('Kit.fromJson', data);
return data;
// Override create method so we can pass items
// We don't override _toJson to include items, because this would
// mean that on an update items would also be passed
Kit.prototype.create = function(skipRead){
if (this.existsInDb()) {
return $.Deferred().reject(new Error("Cannot create document, already exists in database"));
// Don't check for isEmpty/isValid, if no name is given,
// that we automatically generate a name on the server
//if (this.isEmpty()) {
// return $.Deferred().reject(new Error("Cannot create empty document"));
//if (!this.isValid()) {
// return $.Deferred().reject(new Error("Cannot create, invalid document"));
var that = this,
data = {
name: this.name,
items: this._getIds(this.items)
// Also add any possible fields we need during `create`
$.extend(data, this._toJsonFields());
delete data.id;
return this.ds.create(data, this._fields)
.then(function(data) {
return (skipRead==true) ? data : that._fromJson(data);
Kit.prototype._loadConflicts = function(items) {
var conflicts = [];
var kitStatus = common.getKitStatus(items);
// Kit has only conflicts when it's status is incomplete
if(kitStatus == "incomplete") {
$.each(items, function(i, item){
case "await_checkout":
kind: "status",
item: item._id,
itemName: item.name,
itemStatus: item.status,
order: item.order
case "checkedout":
kind: "order",
item: item._id,
itemName: item.name,
itemStatus: item.status,
order: item.order
case "expired":
kind: "status",
item: item._id,
itemName: item.name,
itemStatus: item.status
case "in_custody":
kind: "custody",
item: item._id,
itemName: item.name,
itemStatus: item.status
this.conflicts = conflicts;
return Kit;