* The Item module
* @module item
* @copyright CHECKROOM NV 2015
'base'], /** @lends Base */ function ($, common, Base) {
var FLAG = "cheqroom.prop.Custom",
name: "",
status: "",
codes: [],
brand: "",
model: "",
warrantyDate: null,
purchaseDate: null,
purchasePrice: null,
residualValue: null,
location: "",
category: "",
address: "",
order: null,
kit: null,
custody: null,
cover: "",
catalog: null
// Allow overriding the ctor during inheritance
// http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4152931/javascript-inheritance-call-super-constructor-or-use-prototype-chain
var tmp = function() {};
tmp.prototype = Base.prototype;
* Item represents a single piece of equipment
* @name Item
* @class Item
* @constructor
* @property {string} name the name of the item
* @property {string} status the status of the item in an order, or expired
* @property {string} brand the item brand
* @property {string} model the item model
* @property {moment} warrantyDate the item warranty date
* @property {moment} purchaseDate the item purchase date
* @property {string} purchasePrice the item purchase price
* @property {Array} codes the item qr codes
* @property {string} location the item location primary key (empty if in_custody)
* @property {string} category the item category primary key
* @property {Array} geo the item geo position in lat lng array
* @property {string} address the item geo position address
* @property {string} order the order pk, if the item is currently in an order
* @property {string} kit the kit pk, if the item is currently in a kit
* @property {string} custody the customer pk, if the item is currently in custody of someone
* @property {string} cover the attachment pk of the main image
* @property {string} catalog the catalog pk, if the item was made based on a product in the catalog
* @extends Base
var Item = function(opt) {
var spec = $.extend({
_fields: ['*'],
crtype: 'cheqroom.types.item'
}, opt);
Base.call(this, spec);
this.name = spec.name || DEFAULTS.name;
this.status = spec.status || DEFAULTS.status;
this.brand = spec.brand || DEFAULTS.brand;
this.model = spec.model || DEFAULTS.model;
this.warrantyDate = spec.warrantyDate || DEFAULTS.warrantyDate;
this.purchaseDate = spec.purchaseDate || DEFAULTS.purchaseDate;
this.purchasePrice = spec.purchasePrice || DEFAULTS.purchasePrice;
this.residualValue = spec.residualValue || DEFAULTS.residualValue;
this.codes = spec.codes || DEFAULTS.codes;
this.location = spec.location || DEFAULTS.location; // location._id
this.category = spec.category || DEFAULTS.category; // category._id
this.geo = spec.geo || DEFAULTS.geo.slice(); // null or an array with 2 floats
this.address = spec.address || DEFAULTS.address;
this.order = spec.order || DEFAULTS.order;
this.kit = spec.kit || DEFAULTS.kit;
this.custody = spec.custody || DEFAULTS.custody;
this.cover = spec.cover || DEFAULTS.cover;
this.catalog = spec.catalog || DEFAULTS.catalog;
Item.prototype = new tmp();
Item.prototype.constructor = Item;
// Base overrides
Item.prototype.isValidName = function() {
this.name = $.trim(this.name);
return (this.name.length>=3);
Item.prototype.isValidCategory = function() {
return ($.trim(this.category).length>0);
Item.prototype.isValidLocation = function() {
return ($.trim(this.location).length>0);
Item.prototype.isValid = function() {
return (
this.isValidName() &&
this.isValidCategory() &&
((this.status=="in_custody") ? true : this.isValidLocation())
* Checks if the item is empty
* @name Item#isEmpty
* @returns {boolean}
Item.prototype.isEmpty = function() {
// Checks for: name, status, brand, model, purchaseDate, purchasePrice, codes, location, category
return (
(Base.prototype.isEmpty.call(this)) &&
(this.name==DEFAULTS.name) &&
(this.status==DEFAULTS.status) &&
(this.brand==DEFAULTS.brand) &&
(this.model==DEFAULTS.model) &&
(this.warrantyDate==DEFAULTS.warrantyDate) &&
(this.purchaseDate==DEFAULTS.purchaseDate) &&
(this.purchasePrice==DEFAULTS.purchasePrice) &&
(this.residualValue==DEFAULTS.residualValue) &&
(this.codes.length==0) && // not DEFAULTS.codes? :)
(this.location==DEFAULTS.location) &&
* Checks if the item is dirty and needs saving
* @name Item#isDirty
* @returns {boolean}
Item.prototype.isDirty = function() {
return (
Base.prototype.isDirty.call(this) ||
this._isDirtyName() ||
this._isDirtyBrand() ||
this._isDirtyModel() ||
this._isDirtyWarrantyDate() ||
this._isDirtyPurchaseDate() ||
this._isDirtyPurchasePrice() ||
this._isDirtyResidualValue() ||
this._isDirtyCategory() ||
this._isDirtyLocation() ||
this._isDirtyGeo() ||
Item.prototype._getDefaults = function() {
return DEFAULTS;
Item.prototype._toJson = function(options) {
// Writes out: id, name,
// brand, model, purchaseDate, purchasePrice
// category, location, catalog
var data = Base.prototype._toJson.call(this, options);
data.name = this.name || DEFAULTS.name;
data.brand = this.brand || DEFAULTS.brand;
data.model = this.model || DEFAULTS.model;
data.warrantyDate = this.warrantyDate || DEFAULTS.warrantyDate;
data.purchaseDate = this.purchaseDate || DEFAULTS.purchaseDate;
data.purchasePrice = this.purchasePrice || DEFAULTS.purchasePrice;
data.residualValue = this.residualValue || DEFAULTS.residualValue;
data.category = this.category || DEFAULTS.category;
data.location = this.location || DEFAULTS.location;
data.catalog = this.catalog || DEFAULTS.catalog;
// Remove values of null during create
// Avoids: 422 Unprocessable Entity
// ValidationError (Item:TZe33wVKWwkKkpACp6Xy5T) (FloatField only accepts float values: ['purchasePrice'])
for (var k in data) {
if (data[k] == null) {
delete data[k];
return data;
Item.prototype._fromJson = function(data, options) {
var that = this;
return Base.prototype._fromJson.call(this, data, options)
.then(function() {
that.name = data.name || DEFAULTS.name;
that.status = data.status || DEFAULTS.status;
that.brand = data.brand || DEFAULTS.brand;
that.model = data.model || DEFAULTS.model;
that.warrantyDate = data.warrantyDate || DEFAULTS.warrantyDate;
that.purchaseDate = data.purchaseDate || DEFAULTS.purchaseDate;
that.purchasePrice = data.purchasePrice || DEFAULTS.purchasePrice;
that.residualValue = data.residualValue || DEFAULTS.residualValue;
that.codes = data.codes || DEFAULTS.codes;
that.address = data.address || DEFAULTS.address;
that.geo = data.geo || DEFAULTS.geo.slice();
that.cover = data.cover || DEFAULTS.cover;
that.catalog = data.catalog || DEFAULTS.catalog;
// Depending on the fields we'll need to get the _id directly or from the dicts
var locId = DEFAULTS.location;
if (data.location) {
locId = (data.location._id) ? data.location._id : data.location;
that.location = locId;
var catId = DEFAULTS.category;
if (data.category) {
catId = (data.category._id) ? data.category._id : data.category;
that.category = catId;
var orderId = DEFAULTS.order;
if (data.order) {
orderId = (data.order._id) ? data.order._id : data.order;
that.order = orderId;
var kitId = DEFAULTS.kit;
if (data.kit) {
kitId = (data.kit._id) ? data.kit._id : data.kit;
that.kit = kitId;
var custodyId = DEFAULTS.custody;
if (data.custody) {
custodyId = (data.custody._id) ? data.custody._id : data.custody;
that.custody = custodyId;
$.publish('item.fromJson', data);
return data;
// Deprecated
Item.prototype._toJsonKeyValues = function(){
var that = this;
var params = {};
if( (this.keyValues!=null) &&
(this.keyValues.length>0)) {
$.each(this.keyValues, function(i, kv) {
var param = 'keyValues__' + kv.key;
params[param + "__kind"] = kv.kind;
params[param + "__value"] = kv.value;
return params;
// Deprecated
Item.prototype._isDirtyName = function() {
return this._isDirtyStringProperty("name");
Item.prototype._isDirtyBrand = function() {
return this._isDirtyStringProperty("brand");
Item.prototype._isDirtyModel = function() {
return this._isDirtyStringProperty("model");
Item.prototype._isDirtyWarrantyDate = function() {
return this._isDirtyMomentProperty("warrantyDate");
Item.prototype._isDirtyPurchaseDate = function() {
return this._isDirtyMomentProperty("purchaseDate");
Item.prototype._isDirtyPurchasePrice = function() {
return this._isDirtyProperty("purchasePrice");
Item.prototype._isDirtyResidualValue = function() {
return this._isDirtyProperty("residualValue");
Item.prototype._isDirtyLocation = function() {
if (this.raw && this.status != 'in_custody') {
var locId = DEFAULTS.location;
if (this.raw.location) {
locId = (this.raw.location._id) ? this.raw.location._id : this.raw.location;
return (this.location!=locId);
} else {
return false;
Item.prototype._isDirtyCategory = function() {
if (this.raw) {
var catId = DEFAULTS.category;
if (this.raw.category) {
catId = (this.raw.category._id) ? this.raw.category._id : this.raw.category;
return (this.category!=catId);
} else {
return false;
Item.prototype._isDirtyGeo = function() {
if (this.raw) {
var address = this.raw.address || DEFAULTS.address;
var geo = this.raw.geo || DEFAULTS.geo.slice();
return (
(this.address!=address) ||
(this.geo[0]!=geo[0]) ||
} else {
return false;
Item.prototype._isDirtyFlag = function() {
return this._isDirtyStringProperty("flag");
// Business logic
* Checks if the Item is unavailable between from / to dates (optional)
* @name Item#getAvailabilities
* @param {Moment} from the from date (optional)
* @param {Moment} to the to date (optional)
* @returns {promise}
Item.prototype.getAvailabilities = function(from, to) {
return this.ds.call(this.id, 'getAvailability', {fromDate: from, toDate: to});
* updates the Item
* We override because Item.update does not support updating categories
* @param skipRead
* @returns {*}
Item.prototype.update = function(skipRead) {
if (this.isEmpty()) {
return $.Deferred().reject(new Error("Cannot update to empty document"));
if (!this.existsInDb()) {
return $.Deferred().reject(new Error("Cannot update document without id"));
if (!this.isValid()) {
return $.Deferred().reject(new Error("Cannot update, invalid document"));
var that = this,
dfdCheck = $.Deferred(),
dfdCategory = $.Deferred(),
dfdLocation = $.Deferred(),
dfdFields = $.Deferred(),
dfdFlags = $.Deferred(),
dfdBasic = $.Deferred();
if (this._isDirtyCategory()) {
.done(function(data) {
if (data.result) {
} else {
dfdCheck.reject(new Error("Unable to change item category"));
} else {
return dfdCheck
.then(function() {
if (that._isDirtyCategory()) {
dfdCategory = that.changeCategory(that.category);
} else {
// Skip update location if item is in custody
if (that._isDirtyLocation() && that.status != "in_custody") {
dfdLocation = that.changeLocation(that.location);
} else {
if (that._isDirtyFields()) {
dfdFields = that._updateFields();
} else {
if (that._isDirtyFlag()) {
if ((that.flag=="") || (that.flag==null)) {
dfdFlags = that.clearFlag();
} else {
dfdFlags = that.setFlag(that.flag);
} else {
if( (that._isDirtyName()) ||
(that._isDirtyBrand()) ||
(that._isDirtyModel()) ||
(that._isDirtyWarrantyDate()) ||
(that._isDirtyPurchaseDate()) ||
(that._isDirtyPurchasePrice()) ||
(that._isDirtyResidualValue())) {
dfdBasic = that.updateBasicFields(that.name, that.brand, that.model, that.warrantyDate, that.purchaseDate, that.purchasePrice, that.residualValue);
} else {
return $.when(dfdCategory, dfdLocation, dfdFields, dfdFlags, dfdBasic);
* Creates an Item
* @name Item#create
* @method
* @param skipRead skips reading the response via _fromJson (false)
* @returns {promise}
Item.prototype.create = function(skipRead) {
if (this.existsInDb()) {
return $.Deferred().reject(new Error("Cannot create document, already exists in database"));
if (this.isEmpty()) {
return $.Deferred().reject(new Error("Cannot create empty document"));
if (!this.isValid()) {
return $.Deferred().reject(new Error("Cannot create, invalid document"));
var that = this,
data = $.extend(this._toJson(), this._toJsonFields());
delete data.id;
return this.ds.create(data, this._fields)
.then(function(data) {
return (skipRead==true) ? data : that._fromJson(data);
* Creates multiple instances of the same item
* @name Item#createMultiple
* @method
* @param times
* @param autoNumber
* @param startFrom
* @return {promise}
Item.prototype.createMultiple = function(times, autoNumber, startFrom, skipRead){
if (this.existsInDb()) {
return $.Deferred().reject(new Error("Cannot create document, already exists in database"));
if (this.isEmpty()) {
return $.Deferred().reject(new Error("Cannot create empty document"));
if (!this.isValid()) {
return $.Deferred().reject(new Error("Cannot create, invalid document"));
var that = this;
var data = $.extend(this._toJson(), this._toJsonFields(), {
times: times || 1,
autoNumber: autoNumber || false,
startFrom: startFrom
delete data.id;
// BUGFFIX model name clash issue
// model == Item property
// model == database model
if (data.model != null) {
data.brandModel = data.model;
delete data.model;
return this._doApiCall({
method: 'createMultiple',
params: data
}).then(function(data) {
var dfd = (skipRead==true) ? $.Deferred().resolve(data[0]) : that._fromJson(data[0]);
return dfd.then(function(){
return data;
* Duplicates an item a number of times
* @name Item#duplicate
* @param times
* @param location
* @returns {promise}
Item.prototype.duplicate = function(times, location, autoNumber, startFrom) {
return this._doApiCall({
method: 'duplicate',
params: {
times: times,
location: location,
autoNumber: autoNumber,
startFrom: startFrom
skipRead: true // response is an array of new Item objects!!
* Checks if an item can be reserved (based on status)
* @name Item#canReserve
* @returns {boolean}
Item.prototype.canReserve = function() {
return common.itemCanReserve(this);
* Checks if an item can be checked out (based on status)
* @name Item#canCheckout
* @returns {boolean}
Item.prototype.canCheckout = function() {
return common.itemCanCheckout(this);
* Checks if we can go to the checkout of an item (based on status)
* @name Item#canGoToCheckout
* @returns {boolean}
Item.prototype.canGoToCheckout = function() {
return common.itemCanGoToCheckout(this) && !$.isEmptyObject(this.order);
* Checks if an item can be checked in (based on status)
* @name Item#canCheckin
* @returns {boolean}
Item.prototype.canCheckin = function() {
return common.itemCanCheckin(this);
* Checks if an item can be expired (based on status)
* @name Item#canExpire
* @returns {boolean}
Item.prototype.canExpire = function() {
return common.itemCanExpire(this);
* Checks if an item can be made available again (based on status)
* @name Item#canUndoExpire
* @returns {boolean}
Item.prototype.canUndoExpire = function() {
return common.itemCanUndoExpire(this);
* Checks if an item can be deleted
* @name Item#canDelete
* @returns {boolean}
Item.prototype.canDelete = function() {
var can = Base.prototype.canDelete.call(this);
return can && common.itemCanDelete(this);
* Expires an item, puts it in the *expired* status
* @name Item#expire
* @param skipRead
* @returns {promise}
Item.prototype.expire = function(skipRead) {
return this._doApiCall({method: 'expire', skipRead: skipRead});
* Un-expires an item, puts it in the *available* status again
* @name Item#undoExpire
* @param skipRead
* @returns {promise}
Item.prototype.undoExpire = function(skipRead) {
return this._doApiCall({method: 'undoExpire', skipRead: skipRead});
* Change the location of an item
* @name Item#changeLocation
* @param skipRead
* @returns {promise}
Item.prototype.changeLocation = function(locationId, skipRead) {
return this._doApiCall({method: 'changeLocation', params: {location: locationId}, skipRead: skipRead});
* Adds a QR code to the item
* @name Item#addCode
* @param code
* @param skipRead
* @returns {promise}
Item.prototype.addCode = function(code, skipRead) {
return this._doApiCall({method: 'addCodes', params: {codes: [code]}, skipRead: skipRead});
* Removes a QR code from the item
* @name Item#removeCode
* @param code
* @param skipRead
* @returns {promise}
Item.prototype.removeCode = function(code, skipRead) {
return this._doApiCall({method: 'removeCodes', params: {codes: [code]}, skipRead: skipRead});
* Updates the geo position of an item
* @name Item#updateGeo
* @param lat
* @param lng
* @param address
* @param skipRead
* @returns {promise}
Item.prototype.updateGeo = function(lat, lng, address, skipRead) {
return this._doApiCall({method: 'updateGeo', params: {lat: lat, lng: lng, address: address}, skipRead: skipRead});
* Gets the last number for items with this name
* @name Item#getLastNumber
* @returns {promise}
Item.prototype.getLastNumber = function() {
// Do a collection API call to get the last number for items with this name
return this.ds.call(null, "getLastItemNumber", {name: this.name});
* Updates the basic fields of an item
* @name Item#updateBasicFields
* @param name
* @param skipRead
* @returns {promise}
Item.prototype.updateBasicFields = function(name, brand, model, warrantyDate, purchaseDate, purchasePrice, residualValue, skipRead) {
var that = this,
params = {};
if( (name!=null) &&
(name!=this.raw.name)) {
params["name"] = name;
if( (brand!=null) &&
(brand!=this.raw.brand)) {
params["brand"] = brand;
if( (model!=null) &&
(model!=this.raw.model)) {
params["model"] = model;
if( (warrantyDate!=null)){
// Update date or clear date?
if(typeof(warrantyDate) === "object" && warrantyDate.isValid()){
// Only update if date changed
params["warrantyDate"] = warrantyDate;
params["warrantyDate"] = "";
if( (purchaseDate!=null)) {
// Update date or clear date
if(typeof(purchaseDate) === "object" && purchaseDate.isValid()){
// Only update if date changed
params["purchaseDate"] = purchaseDate;
params["purchaseDate"] = "";
if( (purchasePrice!=null) &&
(purchasePrice!=this.raw.purchasePrice)) {
params["purchasePrice"] = purchasePrice;
if( (residualValue!=null) &&
(residualValue!=this.raw.residualValue)) {
params["residualValue"] = residualValue;
// Remove values of null during create
// Avoids: 422 Unprocessable Entity
// ValidationError (Item:TZe33wVKWwkKkpACp6Xy5T) (FloatField only accepts float values: ['purchasePrice'])
//for (var k in params) {
// if (params[k] == null) {
// delete params[k];
// }
return this.ds.update(this.id, params, this._fields)
.then(function(data) {
return (skipRead==true) ? data : that._fromJson(data);
* Checks if the item can be moved to another category
* @name Item#canChangeCategory
* @param category
* @returns {promise}
Item.prototype.canChangeCategory = function(category) {
return this._doApiCall({
collectionCall: true, // it's a collection call, not an Item call
method: 'canChangeCategory',
params: {pks:[this.id], category: category},
skipRead: true, // the response is a hash with results and conflicts
_fields: "*"
* Moves the item to another category
* @name Item#changeCategory
* @param category
* @param skipRead
* @returns {promise}
Item.prototype.changeCategory = function(category, skipRead) {
var that = this;
return this._doApiCall({
collectionCall: true, // it's a collection call, not an Item call
method: 'changeCategory',
params: {pks:[this.id], category: category},
skipRead: true // the response is a list of changed Items
.then(function(data) {
return (skipRead==true) ? data : that._fromJson(data[0]);
* Checks if custody can be taken for an item (based on status)
* @name Item#canTakeCustody
* @returns {boolean}
Item.prototype.canTakeCustody = function() {
return common.itemCanTakeCustody(this);
* Checks if custody can be released for an item (based on status)
* @name Item#canReleaseCustody
* @returns {boolean}
Item.prototype.canReleaseCustody = function() {
return common.itemCanReleaseCustody(this);
* Checks if custody can be transferred for an item (based on status)
* @name Item#canTransferCustody
* @returns {boolean}
Item.prototype.canTransferCustody = function() {
return common.itemCanTransferCustody(this);
* Takes custody of an item
* Puts it in the *in_custody* status
* @name Item#takeCustody
* @param customerId (when null, we'll take the customer of the user making the API call)
* @param skipRead
* @returns {promise}
Item.prototype.takeCustody = function(customerId, skipRead) {
return this._doApiCall({method: 'takeCustody', params: {customer: customerId}, skipRead: skipRead});
* Releases custody of an item at a certain location
* Puts it in the *available* status again
* @name Item#releaseCustody
* @param locationId
* @param skipRead
* @returns {promise}
Item.prototype.releaseCustody = function(locationId, skipRead) {
return this._doApiCall({method: 'releaseCustody', params: {location: locationId}, skipRead: skipRead});
* Transfers custody of an item
* Keeps it in the *in_custody* status
* @name Item#transferCustody
* @param customerId (when null, we'll take the customer of the user making the API call)
* @param skipRead
* @returns {promise}
Item.prototype.transferCustody = function(customerId, skipRead) {
return this._doApiCall({method: 'transferCustody', params: {customer: customerId}, skipRead: skipRead});
* Get a list depreciations
* @name Item#getDepreciation
* @param frequancy
* @returns {promise}
Item.prototype.getDepreciation = function(frequency) {
return this.ds.call(this.id, 'getDepreciation', {frequency: frequency || "quarterly" });
return Item;