* The Helper module
* @module helper
* @copyright CHECKROOM NV 2015
define(["jquery", "settings", "common"], /** @lends Helper */ function ($, defaultSettings, common) {
* Allows you to call helpers based on the settings file
* and also settings in group.profile and user.profile
* @name Helper
* @class Helper
* @constructor
* @property {object} settings
return function(settings){
settings = settings || defaultSettings;
return {
* getSettings return settings file which helper uses internally
* @return {object}
getSettings: function(){
return settings;
* getImageCDNUrl gets an image by using the path to a CDN location
* @memberOf helper
* @method
* @name helper#getImageCDNUrl
* @param groupId
* @param attachmentId
* @param size
* @returns {string}
getImageCDNUrl: function(groupId, attachmentId, size) {
return common.getImageCDNUrl(settings, groupId, attachmentId, size);
* getImageUrl gets an image by using the datasource /get style and a mimeType
* 'XS': (64, 64),
* 'S': (128, 128),
* 'M': (256, 256),
* 'L': (512, 512)
* @memberOf helper
* @method
* @name helper#getImageUrl
* @param ds
* @param pk
* @param size
* @param bustCache
* @returns {string}
getImageUrl: function(ds, pk, size, bustCache) {
var url = ds.getBaseUrl() + pk + '?mimeType=image/jpeg';
if (size && size != 'orig') {
url += '&size=' + size;
if (bustCache) {
url += '&_bust=' + new Date().getTime();
return url;
getICalUrl: function(urlApi, userId, userPublicKey, orderLabels, reservationLabels, customerId, locationId) {
orderLabels = orderLabels || [];
reservationLabels = reservationLabels || [];
var url = urlApi + "/ical/" + userId + "/" + userPublicKey + "/public/locations/call/ical",
parts = [];
if (locationId) {
parts.push("locations[]=" + locationId);
if (customerId) {
parts.push("customer=" + customerId);
var selectedReservationLabels = reservationLabels.filter(function(lbl){ return lbl.selected; }).map(function(lbl){ return lbl.id || ""; });
if (selectedReservationLabels.length == 0) {
// Only pass reservationLabels if user has made a custom selection
if(selectedReservationLabels.length != reservationLabels.length){
parts.push($.param({ "rlab": selectedReservationLabels }));
var selectedOrderLabels = orderLabels.filter(function(lbl){ return lbl.selected; }).map(function(lbl){ return lbl.id || ""; });
if (selectedOrderLabels.length == 0) {
// Only pass orderLabels if user has made a custom selection
if(selectedOrderLabels.length != orderLabels.length){
parts.push($.param({ "olab": selectedOrderLabels }));
return (parts.length>0) ? url + "?" + parts.join("&") : url;
* getQRCodeUrl
* @memberOf helper
* @method
* @name helper#getQRCodeUrl
* @param {string} code
* @param {number} size
* @return {string}
getQRCodeUrl: function(code, size){
return common.getQRCodeUrl(settings.urlApi, code, size);
* getBarcodeUrl
* @memberOf helper
* @method
* @name helper#getBarcodeUrl
* @param {string} code
* @param {number} size
* @return {string}
getBarcodeUrl: function(code, width, height){
return common.getBarcodeUrl(settings.urlApi, code, width, height);
* getNumItemsLeft
* @memberOf helper
* @method
* @name helper#getNumItemsLeft
* @param limits
* @param stats
* @return {Number}
getNumItemsLeft: function(limits, stats) {
var itemsPerStatus = this.getStat(stats, "items", "status");
return limits.maxItems - this.getStat(stats, "items", "total") + itemsPerStatus.expired;
* getNumUsersLeft
* @memberOf helper
* @method
* @name helper#getNumUsersLeft
* @param limits
* @param stats
* @return {Number}
getNumUsersLeft: function(limits, stats) {
var usersPerStatus = this.getStat(stats, "users", "status");
return limits.maxUsers - usersPerStatus.active;
* getStat for location
* @memberOf helper
* @method
* @name helper#getStat
* @param stats
* @param location
* @param type
* @param name
* @param mode
* @return {object} number or object
getStat: function(stats, type, name, location, mode){
// make sure stats object isn't undefined
stats = stats || {};
//if no stats for given location found, use all stats object
stats = stats[(location && location != "null")?location:"all"] || stats["all"];
if(stats === undefined) throw "Invalid stats";
// load stats for given mode (defaults to production)
stats = stats[mode || 'production'];
var statType = stats[type];
if(statType === undefined) throw "Stat doesn't exist";
if(!name) return statType;
var statTypeValue = statType[name];
if(statTypeValue === undefined) throw "Stat value doesn't exist";
return statTypeValue;
* ensureValue, returns specific prop value of object or if you pass a string it returns that exact string
* @memberOf helper
* @method
* @name helper#ensureValue
* @param obj
* @param prop
* @return {string}
ensureValue: function(obj, prop){
if (typeof obj === 'string') {
return obj;
}else if(obj && obj.hasOwnProperty(prop)){
return obj[prop];
return obj;
* ensureId, returns id value of object or if you pass a string it returns that exact string
* For example:
* ensureId("abc123") --> "abc123"
* ensureId({ id:"abc123", name:"example" }) --> "abc123"
* @memberOf helper
* @method
* @name helper#ensureId
* @param obj
* @return {string}
ensureId: function(obj){
return this.ensureValue(obj, "_id");