Source: dateHelper.js

 * The DateHelper module
 * a DateHelper class
 * @module dateHelper
 * @copyright CHECKROOM NV 2015
define(["jquery", "moment"], /** @lends DateHelper */ function ($, moment) {

    // Add a new function to moment
    moment.fn.toJSONDate = function() {
        // toISOString gives the time in Zulu timezone
        // we want the local timezone but in ISO formatting
        return this.format("YYYY-MM-DD[T]HH:mm:ss.000[Z]");

    //m.roundTo('minute', 15); // Round the moment to the nearest 15 minutes.
    //m.roundTo('minute', 15, 'up'); // Round the moment up to the nearest 15 minutes.
    //m.roundTo('minute', 15, 'down'); // Round the moment down to the nearest 15 minutes.
    moment.fn.roundTo = function(units, offset, midpoint) {
        units = moment.normalizeUnits(units);
        offset = offset || 1;
        var roundUnit = function(unit) {
            switch (midpoint) {
                case 'up':
                    unit = Math.ceil(unit / offset);
                case 'down':
                    unit = Math.floor(unit / offset);
                    unit = Math.round(unit / offset);
            return unit * offset;
        switch (units) {
            case 'year':
            case 'month':
            case 'week':
            case 'isoWeek':
            case 'day':
            case 'hour':
            case 'minute':
            case 'second':
        return this;

     useHours = BooleanField(default=True)
     avgCheckoutHours = IntField(default=4)
     roundMinutes = IntField(default=15)
     roundType = StringField(default="nearest", choices=ROUND_TYPE)  # nearest, longer, shorter

    var INCREMENT = 15,
        START_OF_DAY_HRS = 9,
        END_OF_DAY_HRS = 17;

     * @name  DateHelper
     * @class
     * @constructor
    var DateHelper = function(spec) {
        spec = spec || {};
        this.roundType = spec.roundType || "nearest";
        this.roundMinutes = spec.roundMinutes || INCREMENT;
        this.timeFormat24 = (spec.timeFormat24) ? spec.timeFormat24 : false;
        this._momentFormat = (this.timeFormat24) ? "MMM D [at] H:mm" : "MMM D [at] h:mm a";
        this.startOfDayHours = (spec.startOfDayHours!=null) ? startOfDayHours : START_OF_DAY_HRS;
        this.endOfDayHours = (spec.endOfDayHours!=null) ? endOfDayHours : END_OF_DAY_HRS;

     * @name parseDate
     * @method
     * @param data
     * @returns {moment}
    DateHelper.prototype.parseDate = function(data) {
        if (typeof data == 'string' || data instanceof String) {
            // "2014-04-03T12:15:00+00:00" (length 25)
            // "2014-04-03T09:32:43.841000+00:00" (length 32)
            if (data.endsWith('+00:00')) {
                var len = data.length;
                if (len==25) {
                    return moment(data.substring(0, len-6));
                } else if (len==32) {
                    return moment(data.substring(0, len-6).split('.')[0]);

     * @name  DateHelper#getNow
     * @method
     * @return {moment}
    DateHelper.prototype.getNow = function() {
        // TODO: Use the right MomentJS constructor
        //       This one will be deprecated in the next version
        return moment();

     * @name DateHelper#getFriendlyDuration
     * @method
     * @param  duration
     * @return {}
    DateHelper.prototype.getFriendlyDuration = function(duration) {
        return duration.humanize();

     * @name DateHelper#getFriendlyDateParts
     * @param date
     * @param now (optional)
     * @param format (optional)
     * @returns [date string,time string]
    DateHelper.prototype.getFriendlyDateParts = function(date, now, format) {
         moment().calendar() shows friendlier dates
         - when the date is <=7d away:
         - Today at 4:15 PM
         - Yesterday at 4:15 PM
         - Last Monday at 4:15 PM
         - Wednesday at 4:15 PM
         - when the date is >7d away:
         - 07/25/2015
        if (!moment.isMoment(date)) {
            date = moment(date);
        now = now || this.getNow();
        return date.calendar() 
            .replace("AM", "am")
            .replace("PM", "pm")
            .split(" at ");

     * Returns a number of friendly date ranges with a name
     * Each date range is a standard transaction duration
     * @name getDateRanges
     * @method
     * @param avgHours
     * @param numRanges
     * @param now
     * @param i18n
     * @returns {Array} [{counter: 1, from: m(), to: m(), hours: 24, option: 'days', title: '1 Day'}, {...}]
    DateHelper.prototype.getDateRanges = function(avgHours, numRanges, now, i18n) {
        if( (now) &&
            (!moment.isMoment(now))) {
            now = moment(now);

        i18n = i18n || {
            year: "year",
            years: "years",
            month: "month",
            months: "months",
            week: "week",
            weeks: "weeks",
            day: "day",
            days: "days",
            hour: "hour",
            hours: "hours"
        var timeOptions = ["years", "months", "weeks", "days", "hours"],
            timeHourVals = [365*24, 30*24,    7*24,    24,     1],
            opt = null,
            val = null,
            title = null,
            counter = 0,
            chosenIndex = -1,
            ranges = [];

        // Find the range kind that best fits the avgHours (search from long to short)
        for (var i=0;i<timeOptions.length;i++) {
            val = timeHourVals[i];
            opt = timeOptions[i];
            if (avgHours>=val) {
                if( (avgHours % val) == 0) {
                    chosenIndex = i;

        now = now || this.getNow();
        if (chosenIndex>=0) {
            for(var i=1;i<=numRanges;i++){
                counter = i * avgHours;

                title = i18n[(counter==1) ? opt.replace("s", "") : opt];
                    option: opt,
                    hours: counter,
                    title: (counter / timeHourVals[chosenIndex]) + " " + title,
                    from: now.clone(),
                    to: now.clone().add(counter, "hours")

        return ranges;

     * getFriendlyFromTo
     * returns {fromDate:"", fromTime: "", fromText: "", toDate: "", toTime: "", toText: "", text: ""}
     * @param from
     * @param to
     * @param useHours
     * @param now
     * @param separator
     * @param format
     * @returns {}
    DateHelper.prototype.getFriendlyFromTo = function(from, to, useHours, now, separator, format) {
        if (!moment.isMoment(from)) {
            from = moment(from);
        if (!moment.isMoment(to)) {
            to = moment(to);
        now = now || this.getNow();

        var sep = separator || " - ",
            fromParts = this.getFriendlyDateParts(from, now, format),
            toParts = this.getFriendlyDateParts(to, now, format),
            result = {
                dayDiff: from ? from.clone().startOf('day').diff(to, 'days') : -1,
                fromDate: from ? fromParts[0] : "No from date set",
                fromTime: (useHours && from != null) ? fromParts[1] : "",
                toDate: to ? toParts[0] : "No to date set",
                toTime: (useHours && to != null) ? toParts[1] : ""

        result.fromText = result.fromDate;
        result.toText = result.toDate;
        if (useHours) {
                result.fromText += ' ' + result.fromTime;
                result.toText += ' ' + result.toTime;

        // Build a text based on the dates and times we have
        if (result.dayDiff==0) {
            if (useHours) {
                result.text = result.fromText + sep + result.toText;
            } else {
                result.text = result.fromText;
        } else {
            result.text = result.fromText + sep + result.toText;

        return result;

     * @deprecated use getFriendlyFromToInfo
     * [getFriendlyFromToOld]
     * @param  fromDate
     * @param  toDate
     * @param  groupProfile
     * @return {}
    DateHelper.prototype.getFriendlyFromToOld = function(fromDate, toDate, groupProfile) {
        var mFrom = this.roundFromTime(fromDate, groupProfile);
        var mTo = this.roundToTime(toDate, groupProfile);
        return {
            from: mFrom,
            to: mTo,
            daysBetween: mTo.clone().startOf('day').diff(mFrom.clone().startOf('day'), 'days'),
            duration: moment.duration(mFrom - mTo).humanize(),
            fromText: mFrom.calendar().replace(' at ', ' '),
            toText: mTo.calendar().replace(' at ', ' ')

     * makeStartDate helps making an start date for a transaction, usually a reservation
     * It will do the standard rounding
     * But also, if you're using dates instead of datetimes,
     * it will try to make smart decisions about which hours to use
     * @param m - the Moment date
     * @param useHours - does the profile use hours?
     * @param dayMode - did the selection happen via calendar day selection? (can be true even if useHours is true)
     * @param minDate - passing in a minimum start-date, will be different for reservations compared to orders
     * @param maxDate - passing in a maximum start-date (not used for the moment)
     * @param now - the current moment (just to make testing easier)
     * @returns {moment}
     * @private
    DateHelper.prototype.makeStartDate = function(m, useHours, dayMode, minDate, maxDate, now) {
        useHours = (useHours!=null) ? useHours : true; // is the account set up to use hours?
        dayMode = (dayMode!=null) ? dayMode : false; // did the selection come from a calendar fullcalendar day selection?
        now = now || moment();  // the current time (for unit testing)

        if( (useHours) &&
            (!dayMode)) {
            // The account is set up to use hours,
            // and the user picked the hours himself (since it's not picked from a dayMode calendar)
            // We'll just round the from date
            // if it's before the minDate, just take the minDate instead
            m = this.roundTimeFrom(m);
        } else {
            // When we get here we know that either:
            // 1) The account is set up to use hours BUT the date came from a calendar selection that just chose the date part
            // or
            // 2) The account is set up to use days instead of hours
            // Which means we still need to see if we can make a smart decision about the hours part
            // we'll base this on typical business hours (usually 9 to 5)
            var isToday = m.isSame(now, 'day'),
                startOfBusinessDay = this._makeStartOfBusinessDay(m);
            if (isToday) {
                // The start date is today
                // and the current time is still before business hours
                // we can use the start time to start-of-business hours
                if (m.isBefore(startOfBusinessDay)) {
                    m = startOfBusinessDay;
                } else {
                    // We're already at the beginning of business hours
                    // or even already passed it, just try rounding the
                    // time and see if its before minDate
                    m = this.roundTimeFrom(m);
            } else {
                // The start date is not today, we can just take the business day start from the date that was passed
                m = startOfBusinessDay;

        // Make sure we never return anything before the mindate
        return ((minDate) && (m.isBefore(minDate))) ? minDate : m;

     * makeEndDate helps making an end date for a transaction
     * It will do the standard rounding
     * But also, if you're using dates instead of datetimes,
     * it will try to make smart decisions about which hours to use
     * @param m - the Moment date
     * @param useHours - does the profile use hours?
     * @param dayMode - did the selection happen via calendar day selection? (can be true even if useHours is true)
     * @param minDate
     * @param maxDate
     * @param now - the current moment (just to make testing easier)
     * @returns {moment}
     * @private
    DateHelper.prototype.makeEndDate = function(m, useHours, dayMode, minDate, maxDate, now) {
        useHours = (useHours!=null) ? useHours : true;
        dayMode = (dayMode!=null) ? dayMode : false;
        now = now || moment();

        if( (useHours) &&
            (!dayMode)) {
            // The account is set up to use hours,
            // and since dayMode is false,
            // we assume the hours are picked by the user himself
            // just do the rounding and we're done
            m = this.roundTimeTo(m);
        } else {
            // When we get here we know that either:
            // 1) The account is set up to use hours BUT the date came from a calendar selection that just chose the date part
            // or
            // 2) The account is set up to use days instead of hours
            // Which means we still need to see if we can make a smart decision about the hours part
            var isToday = m.isSame(now, 'day'),
                endOfBusinessDay = this._makeEndOfBusinessDay(m),
                endOfDay = this._makeEndOfDay(m);
            if (isToday) {
                // The end date is today
                // and the current date is before business hours
                // we can use the end time to end-of-business hours
                if (m.isBefore(endOfBusinessDay)) {
                    m = endOfBusinessDay;
                } else {
                    m = endOfDay;
            } else if (m.isAfter(endOfBusinessDay)) {
                m = endOfDay;
            } else {
                m = endOfBusinessDay;

        // Make sure we never return a date after the max date
        return ((maxDate) && (m.isAfter(maxDate))) ? maxDate : m;

     * [getFriendlyDateText]
     * @param  date
     * @param  useHours
     * @param  now
     * @param  format
     * @return {string}
    DateHelper.prototype.getFriendlyDateText = function(date, useHours, now, format) {
        if (date==null) {
            return "Not set";
        var parts = this.getFriendlyDateParts(date, now, format);
        return (useHours) ? parts.join(" ") : parts[0];

     * [addAverageDuration]
     * @param m
     * @returns {moment}
    DateHelper.prototype.addAverageDuration = function(m) {
        // TODO: Read the average order duration from the group.profile
        // add it to the date that was passed
        return m.clone().add(1, 'day');

     * roundTimeFrom uses the time rounding rules to round a begin datetime
     * @name  DateHelper#roundTimeFrom
     * @method
     * @param m
    DateHelper.prototype.roundTimeFrom = function(m) {
        return (this.roundMinutes<=1) ? m : this.roundTime(m, this.roundMinutes, this._typeToDirection(this.roundType, "from"));

     * roundTimeTo uses the time rounding rules to round an end datetime
     * @name  DateHelper#roundTimeTo
     * @method
     * @param m
    DateHelper.prototype.roundTimeTo = function(m) {
        return (this.roundMinutes<=1) ? m : this.roundTime(m, this.roundMinutes, this._typeToDirection(this.roundType, "to"));

     * @name  DateHelper#roundTime
     * @method
     * @param  m
     * @param  inc
     * @param  direction
    DateHelper.prototype.roundTime = function(m, inc, direction) {
        var mom = (moment.isMoment(m)) ? m : moment(m);
        return mom.roundTo("minute", inc || INCREMENT, direction);

     * @name  DateHelper#roundTimeUp
     * @method
     * @param  m
     * @param  inc
    DateHelper.prototype.roundTimeUp = function(m, inc) {
        var mom = (moment.isMoment(m)) ? m : moment(m);
        return mom.roundTo("minute", inc || INCREMENT, "up");

     * @name DateHelper#roundTimeDown
     * @method
     * @param  m
     * @param  inc
    DateHelper.prototype.roundTimeDown = function(m, inc) {
        var mom = (moment.isMoment(m)) ? m : moment(m);
        return mom.roundTo("minute", inc || INCREMENT, "down");

    DateHelper.prototype._typeToDirection = function(type, fromto) {
        switch(type) {
            case "longer":
                switch(fromto) {
                    case "from": return "down";
                    case "to": return "up";
                    default: break;
            case "shorter":
                switch(fromto) {
                    case "from": return "up";
                    case "to": return "down";
                    default: break;

    DateHelper.prototype._makeStartOfBusinessDay = function(m) {
        return m.clone().hours(this.startOfDayHours).minutes(0).seconds(0).milliseconds(0);

    DateHelper.prototype._makeEndOfBusinessDay = function(m) {
        return m.clone().hours(this.endOfDayHours).minutes(0).seconds(0).milliseconds(0);

    DateHelper.prototype._makeEndOfDay = function(m) {
        return m.clone().hours(23).minutes(45).seconds(0).milliseconds(0);

    return DateHelper;
