* The Contact module
* Contact class inherits from Base so it supports KeyValues (Attachment, Comment)
* @module contact
* @copyright CHECKROOM NV 2015
'helper'], /** @lends Contact */ function ($, Base, common, User, Helper) {
var DEFAULTS = {
name: "",
email: "",
status: "active",
user: {},
kind: "contact"
// Allow overriding the ctor during inheritance
// http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4152931/javascript-inheritance-call-super-constructor-or-use-prototype-chain
var tmp = function() {};
tmp.prototype = Base.prototype;
* Contact class
* @name Contact
* @class
* @constructor
* @extends Base
var Contact = function(opt) {
var spec = $.extend({
_fields: ['*'],
crtype: 'cheqroom.types.customer'
}, opt);
Base.call(this, spec);
this.helper = spec.helper || new Helper();
this.name = spec.name || DEFAULTS.name;
this.email = spec.email || DEFAULTS.email;
this.status = spec.status || DEFAULTS.status;
this.user = spec.user || DEFAULTS.user;
this.kind = spec.kind || DEFAULTS.kind;
Contact.prototype = new tmp();
Contact.prototype.constructor = Contact;
// Specific validators
* Checks if name is valid
* @name Contact#isValidName
* @method
* @return {Boolean} [description]
Contact.prototype.isValidName = function() {
this.name = $.trim(this.name);
return (this.name.length>=3);
* Check is email is valid
* @name Contact#isValidEmail
* @method
* @return {Boolean} [description]
Contact.prototype.isValidEmail = function() {
this.email = $.trim(this.email);
return common.isValidEmail(this.email);
* If the contact is linked to a user,
* return its user id
* Remark: needs field user
* @name Contact#getUserId
* @method
* @return {string}
Contact.prototype.getUserId = function() {
return this.helper.ensureId(this.user);
* Checks if the user is a synced user
* Remark: needs field user
* @name Contact#getUserSync
* @method
* @return {string}
Contact.prototype.getUserSync = function() {
return ((this.user!=null) && (this.user.sync!=null)) ? this.user.sync : "";
// Business logic
* Checks if a contact can be used in a reservation (based on status)
* @name Contact#canReserve
* @returns {boolean}
Contact.prototype.canReserve = function() {
return common.contactCanReserve(this);
* Checks if a contact can be used in a checkout (based on status)
* @name Contact#canCheckout
* @returns {boolean}
Contact.prototype.canCheckout = function() {
return common.contactCanCheckout(this);
* Checks if we can generate a document for this contact (based on status)
* @name Contact#canGenerateDocument
* @returns {boolean}
Contact.prototype.canGenerateDocument = function() {
return common.contactCanGenerateDocument(this);
* Checks if a contact can be archived (based on status)
* @name Contact#canArchive
* @returns {boolean}
Contact.prototype.canArchive = function() {
return common.contactCanArchive(this);
* Checks if a contact can be unarchived (based on status)
* @name Contact#canUndoArchive
* @returns {boolean}
Contact.prototype.canUndoArchive = function() {
return common.contactCanUndoArchive(this);
* Checks if a contact can be deleted (based on status and link to user)
* @name Contact#canDelete
* @returns {boolean}
Contact.prototype.canDelete = function() {
return common.contactCanDelete(this);
* Archive a contact
* @name Contact#archive
* @param skipRead
* @returns {promise}
Contact.prototype.archive = function(skipRead) {
return this._doApiCall({method: "archive", params: {}, skipRead: skipRead});
* Undo archive of a contact
* @name Contact#undoArchive
* @param skipRead
* @returns {promise}
Contact.prototype.undoArchive = function(skipRead) {
return this._doApiCall({method: "undoArchive", params: {}, skipRead: skipRead});
* Generates a PDF document for the reservation
* @method
* @name Contact#generateDocument
* @param {string} template id
* @param {string} signature (base64)
* @param {bool} skipRead
* @returns {promise}
Contact.prototype.generateDocument = function(template, signature, skipRead) {
return this._doApiLongCall({method: "generateDocument", params: {template: template, signature: signature}, skipRead: skipRead});
// Base overrides
* Checks if the contact has any validation errors
* @name Contact#isValid
* @method
* @returns {boolean}
* @override
Contact.prototype.isValid = function() {
return this.isValidName() && this.isValidEmail();
* Checks if the contact is empty
* @returns {boolean}
* @override
Contact.prototype.isEmpty = function() {
return (
(Base.prototype.isEmpty.call(this)) &&
(this.name==DEFAULTS.name) &&
* Checks if the contact is dirty and needs saving
* @returns {boolean}
* @override
Contact.prototype.isDirty = function() {
var isDirty = Base.prototype.isDirty.call(this);
if( (!isDirty) &&
(this.raw)) {
isDirty = this._isDirtyStringProperty("name") || this._isDirtyStringProperty("email");
return isDirty;
Contact.prototype._getDefaults = function() {
return DEFAULTS;
Contact.prototype._toJson = function(options) {
var data = Base.prototype._toJson.call(this, options);
data.name = this.name || DEFAULTS.name;
data.email = this.email || DEFAULTS.email;
return data;
Contact.prototype._fromJson = function(data, options) {
var that = this;
return Base.prototype._fromJson.call(this, data, options)
.then(function(data) {
that.name = data.name || DEFAULTS.name;
that.email = data.email || DEFAULTS.email;
that.status = data.status || DEFAULTS.status;
that.user = data.user || DEFAULTS.user;
that.kind = data.kind || DEFAULTS.kind;
$.publish('contact.fromJson', data);
return data;
Contact.prototype._create = function(skipRead) {
// We override create because we also want
// to set possible `fields` during the `create` command
var that = this,
data = $.extend({}, this._toJson(), this._toJsonFields());
delete data.id;
return this.ds.create(data, this._fields)
.then(function(data) {
return (skipRead==true) ? data : that._fromJson(data);
Contact.prototype._update = function(skipRead) {
var that = this;
// Don't use the original `_update`
// because it uses `_toJson` and lists fields, even if they didn't change
// var data = this._toJson();
var data = {};
if (this._isDirtyStringProperty("name")) {
data["name"] = that.name;
if (this._isDirtyStringProperty("email")) {
data["email"] = that.email;
return this.ds.update(this.id, data, this._fields)
.then(function(data) {
return (skipRead==true) ? data : that._fromJson(data);
return Contact;